Friday, September 11, 2009

saye seorang penagih...

Tak tau la ndak cakap macam mane kalau saye tak dapat minum kopi dalam sehari. I have to admit memang saye ni penagih nescafe. Buke puase je, yg pertama saye masukkan dalam mulut saye adalah nescafe. Tersedia lebih kurang 15min sebelum berbuka. Masalah utama semase berpuase adelah tidak dapat minum nescafe. Ape yg terjadi, saye akan mengantok sehari suntuk dan boleh tido, bangun, lihat sekeliling dalam mase 5 saat, saye mengantok semula, dan sambung tido dengan nyenyak. Begitu la seterus nye selame beberape hari sehingga kadang kadang mata saye jadi pedih kerana terlampau banyak tido. Bile menjelang malam, masalah saye tidak boleh tido kerana dah terlebih tido pada waktu siang.

*sigh* Saye seorang penagih!! uwwaaaaaa.....Kenyataan yang payah hendak diterima pada mule nye, tapi sekarang saye terpaksa menerima kenyataan ini. Bagaimana saye nak hilangkan penagihan ini. (masalahnye saye memang tak mau hilangkan, i love being a coffee addict)

Setiap pagi, celik aje mate, the first thing that comes to mind is having my mug of nescafe.
Terus kedapur, buat satu mug, minum sambil bace paper di patio rumah. Perghhh.... nikmat kehidupan..

Cuba anda perhatikan betapa nikmatnye muke model model iklan nescafe di billboards atau di tv. Memang muke penuh kenikmatan, begitulah agak nye rupa saye semase minum my morning coffee. :)

How i wish i could drink coffee even at night.....sedey... Kalau saye minum je nescafe saye selepas pukul 6pm, memang la saye tidak mudah tido malam.

Ramai orang kate minum kopi ni tak baik...hmmm.. adakah anda tahu kopi boleh memberi anda metabolism boost tetapi kene la minum tanpa gula atau susu. Pernah saye terbace, satu kajian mengatakan (ceh ceh...ndak defend la ni, denial state...tapi memang pernah terbace kajian ini), dengan meminum 2 cawan kopi hitam pekat, boleh membakar 50 calories dalam mase 4 jam. kan... :)

Kajian ade mengatekan tidak ade kaitan nye cancer dan sakit jantung dengan minum kopi. Kenapa kopi dimangsakan? (ewaahhh....marah ni tau) Kajian dulu tidak take into account that known high-risk behaviors, seperti merokok dan tidak bersenam adalah sifat kebanyakan peminum kopi yang dalam katergori berat. (ketergori berat disini bermaksud 4 -7 cawan sehari) .

Malah, kajian terbaharu mengatekan ade kebaikannye meminum kopi ni. ( saye boleh jadi lawyer kopi lah) Ia akan menjauhkan penyakit Parkinson's, kencing manis type ke2 dan kanser hati/liver. Akan tetapi anda mesti ingat! Minum secara sederhana, tidak lebih dari 2 cawan/mug sehari. Ape ape pon dalam hidup kene penuh kesederhaan. Berlebih minum kopi boleh mengakibatkan persaan tidak tenteram, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, payah tido dan kadang kadang menyebabkan sakit kepala.

JOmm.... wanna join me for a cuppa

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lets do the steppin'

Have you heard of step aerobics?

Step aerobics is an aerobics exercise in which a step or stepping device is used. A person is required to go up and down on the steps in rhythm with the music.

There are different types of step exercises such as:

Power step or high impact stepping. This is best done by experienced persons because of the intensity of the motions

Double step aerobic: this routine is done with two steps boards.

Step aerobics unlike some other forms of exercises requires no special guidance or training. The height of the steps can be adjusted for added intensity and a greater workout as you become more proficient. The steps are normally between four to twelve inches high, with beginners starting with the four-inch step.

Step aerobics tends to be livelier and more enjoyable than regular aerobics because the steps add to the range of motions and keeps it from being boring. The fact that less dance movements are needed also makes it easier for some persons to do.

Benefits of step aerobics :

1) provides great cardio workout comparable to running

2) generally its low impact but by increasing the height of the step board it will also increase the level of intensity.

3) it helps to lower cholesterol levels, and increased burning of calories.

4) helps to lower the risk of heart disease.

5) Less stress on the joints compared to some other aerobics activities

6) Uses very little space and easy to do, step aerobics is ideal for the more confined space of the home.

Posture and stepping are the two most important parts of the exercise that you need to pay special attention to. Apart from the steps the only other essential item is a good pair of exercise shoes.

Precautions to to be taken into considerations to avoid injuries.

1) do not step too hard when going on and coming off the board as this will cause injury

2) strictly follow instructions from a well trained instructor

3) head should be up and the shoulders down

4) the complete foot should touch the floor at least one foot away from the board

5) if the waist leans, there is stress on the lower spine, butts should be taut and abs tugged in

6) the knee should never be lifted more than 90 degrees maximum being 60 degrees

7) the foot should be placed on the center of the step board with the heel down, to avoid tendon injury

8) warming up and cooling down is extremely important to eliminate the possibility of injury

Monday, September 7, 2009

Relax, recharge and unwind

I need a break, thats what i usually tell myself, but time and work does not permit. When my daughter Johanna invited me to visit her, i never thought twice. An oppurtunity i need to grab, an excuse to be away and relax.

Bincang dengan Saiful and dia kata dia boleh cover Program Penyampai Ikon di RTM (hari hari ade kelas), bincang dengan kelas di CyberJaya, they said ok, tapi terlupa ndak bagitau kelas Fied di Senawang (sorry Fied, too excited ndak pegi sampai terlupa, padahal sebelum tu dah ingat ndak bagitau you). Packed my bags and off i went to Makkasar, Sulawesi Selatan.

Lake Matano di Sorowoko memang cantek, sungguh indah saujana mata memandang, the deepest lake in Indonesia kate nye 900 meters down. Air dia dingin, angin tiup kencang. Selama disana, letak aje kepala dibantal, terus padam. Tido best (memang selama ni badan stress tapi tak mau ngaku), makan lagi lar best walaupon i never enjoyed my own cooking surprisinly i enjoyed eating in Sorowoko.

I think all of us need to have a break once in awhile. Tak semestinya kene pergi ke luar negara. Even at your own home, you can still do your own relaxation technique. I did too, but sometimes just being away is really something else. Put away the phones, do not log on your internet, just be with yourself and relax.

Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear on your mind and body from the challenges and hassles of daily life.

Whether your stress is spiraling out of control or you've already got it tamed, a break from your everyday life can really benefit you. It also improves your health

Did you know that by relaxing you could slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure? Relaxation will also increase the blood flow to your major muscles, makna nya it will reduce muscle tension, kurangkan sengal sengal badan. Kita akan jadi lebih tenang, lebih fokus and lebih mudah untuk mengendali masalah sebab hati kita tenang.

Love yourself!