Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kursus JuruLatih Seni Budaya Negara Tahap 2 - Ipoh, Perak

SenamSeni Malaysia pada hari penutup. Meriah!!
Kumpulan pelajar yang paling happening

Tarian Wau Bulan

Tarian Bidayuh......baa...baa...baa... heeeee....heeee... taraa...taraa...taraaa..... huuuu.....huuuu....

Tarian klasik india - bharatanatyam yg berasal dari Tamil Naidu

Senam Seni Malaysia!!


ambooiiiii...posing cantekk gituhh..

Semua happy nak balik rumah setelah berkampung selama 6hari 5 malam dan diberi ujian selama 4 malam berturut turut

Rosmawati dari Pendang, Kedah. Peserta musik tahap 2 yang akan melangsungkan perkahwinannya pada 2hb Nov ini. Tahniah yea

Peserta musik sedang berlatih utk persembahan majlis penutup

sambil ulangkaji sempat posing duyung lagi..

mentelaah seorang diri, memang cekgu Ezra ni score pon dalam ujian teori

peserta musik sedang berbincang sesama sendiri, tak tau la apa yang depa bincangkan

ulangkaji ke termenung yeh hamdan
yours truly semasa sesi pagi

sian Pak Abu (baju kuning) sampai terpelesok duduk kepenatan

Penghulu - cek gu Manan dan Ms Ng yang terer buat senamseni walaupon dia peserta musik

peserta semasa ujian tarian bidayuh dari kiri baju biru Az dari Selangor, Pak Abu (baju putih) dari Melaka, Hamdan dari Johor dan cek gu Lee dari Sabak Bernam, Selangor

yours truly sedang menunjuk gerak padmakosa, senamseni malaysia

mereka keletihan tapi semangat masih membara dan tidak putus asa

cek gu Amirul dari Kuching, Sarawak. Rambut sentiasa maintain

Monday, October 26, 2009

Our skeletal system

An adult human has 206 bones. These bones or skeletons are fused and supported by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage. Our biggest bone is the femur (at the leg) and the smallest is the stapes which is situated in the ear.

The function of the bone is to support our body and maintain the shape. The bones also helps us to move, which is powered by our skeletal muscles.
Other than movements, bones also protects our organs. Imagine your eyes without the socket! The skull protects our brain, eyes and ears.
The rib cage protects our heart and lungs. Do you know that the bones also acts as a storage? It stores calcium and bone marrows.

It is very important that we take care of our bones. Osteoporosis is a bone disease. It can happen to anyone regardless of age. Please do not take your bones for granted. Osteoporosis can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle. Other than having a good diet of calcium and vitamin D, exercising is one way to prevent from getting osteoporosis. Please read on my previous postings on osteoporosis.