Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fit 2 Fun

My step board class at Fit 2 Fun

*watch video below*

we did a little bit of belly dancing during the fun session

fun time - belly dance

ewah ewah....


Come and join us at Fit 2 Fun

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Great Mountain - The Great Challenge (for me that is)

People out there.....believe it or not, I am going to climb Mount Kinabalu next week!! Omigosh...why did i agree to this! I was excited at first but when the day's draw nearer, im getting a bit skeptical about the whole idea. What have i got myself into *sigh*

Psssttttt.....FYI i have not had any kind of training at all. All i am doing now is my normal aerobics class (which i have not done for almost a week due to the long holiday).

Please God, please get me through this with a breeze (yeah rite!!) I need all the luck, please pour me good luck wishes and i need all the prayers (prayers alone doesnt really help - argghhh)

Below are some tips i managed to gather regarding Mount Kinabalu and watnots.... I hope future climbers will find these useful.

Mount Kinabalu or Gunung Kinabalu in the malay language is situated in the east Malaysia state of Sabah on the island of Borneo. Mount Kinabalu is about 4095 meters above sea level which is approximately 13,435 feet!

It is the highest mountain in South East Asia and according to studies, because of the earth movement, the mountain is still growing with the rate of 5mm a year. This is a place where you can see breathtaking sunrise from above the clouds. It is a mountain of tropical rainforest with colourful flora and fauna. According to climbers, Mount Kinabalu is extremely climber friendly (are you trying to coax me?) Its an ideal first mountain for novice (dats me!) mountain climber to conquer.

Here goes : To climb Mount Kinabalu you need to

a) decent physical condition ( i am physically fit i suppose)

b) must not have any heart or lung problems (no problem with em'.....eksen tak hengat)

c) healthy knees and ankles ( i had a fractured knee when i was 9 yrs old, does that counts?)

d) take your time and know your physical limitations (Malek and i have discussed this earlier)

Read through : I got these info from the internet

Although Mount Kinabalu is not a technical mountain climb, it is a major challenge and the rigors of altitude should not be underestimated. (read about altitude down below) The ascent is not difficult in climbing terms ( i think whoever wrote this is trying to trick me into climbing the mountain hehehehe), but it is very strenuous, especially for those who are not very fit. (errrr i feel a challenge there). The pace of the ascent coupled with a good acclimatization (what the hell is that? Oxford please : to get use to a new climate. Oooo....) will help you on the climb BUT it is essential to be mentally and physically prepared before you start. Regular hikes are one on the best ways to prepare the increasing frequency and length as you get closer to the trek (ooo in trouble!) All aerobic exercises such as cycling, running, swimming (i cant even float) are good for strengthening the cardiovascular system ( yeyy to that!)

Generally, any exercise that increases the heart rate for 20 minutes a day is helpful but don't over do it just before the climb. (yey yey ahaks )

It is recommended that all climbers should have themselves medically checked before attempting any mountain climb. If you have a history of suffering from the following ailments, it is highly recommend that you should refrain from climbing:

a) Hypertension

b) Diabetes

c) Palpitation

d) Arthritis

e) Heart disease

f) severe anemia

g) Peptic ulcers

h) Epileptic fits

i) Obesity (overweight)

j) Chronic asthma

k) Muscular cramps

l) Hepatitis (jaundice)

m) or any other disease which may hamper the climber.

The average temperature range from 15°C-24°C (60°F-78°F) at Kinabalu Park HQ at 1,563m (5128 feet), where it can be quite hot during the day but much cooler at night. At Laban Rata at 3,270m (10,728 feet) on the summit trail, average temperatures vary from 6°C-14°C (41°F-58°F), but can sometimes reach almost freezing at night. (whoa...errr..where did i chucked those longjohns?)

How can altitude sickness be prevented?

  • By taking a graded ascent. Climb relatively slowly to higher levels, and allow adequate periods of acclimatisation (two to three days) at a given height (starting from 2200 metres) before spending a night at a greater height.
  • It's fine to climb up during the day, but you should try to get down to 2200 metres (or the height you are currently acclimatised to) in the course of the same day. Then you can move up, depending on your individual tolerance, by 300 to 500 metres, until you rest and get acclimatised again for at least a couple of days, and so on.

  • If you feel ill at a particular height, come down to your previously acclimatised height.
  • Drink plenty of liquids (at least three litres a day). Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid getting cold.

Danger signals for altitude sickness

Danger signals usually develop in the first 36 hours. They affect more than 50 per cent of travellers above 3500 metres and almost 100 per cent of people who climb quickly to 5000 metres without acclimatising.

  • An insignificant headache that disappears with one to two ordinary headache tablets.
  • Nausea and general malaise.
  • Slight dizziness.
  • Some difficulty sleeping.

With these symptoms at heights below 3000 metres, you can usually allow yourself to stay on and to rest for a couple of days before further permanent ascents. At heights around 3500 metres, you should try moving down 300 to 500 metres and stay there for two days before further permanent ascents.

Physical preparation for my climb besides doing theusual aerobic workouts :

Overall leg exercises

The Thigh (quariceps, hamstrings, abductors and adductors)

I can either focus on each thigh muscle group individually with isolation exercises or work them all at the same time with multi-joint exercises like squats and lunges. I would say squats and lunges are the best exerise for the thigh.

Squats and lunges tend to focus a little more on the butt and quads, but the hamstrings, inner thigh, calfs, and ankles also work during these exercises.

Squats and lunges also improve balance and coordination and burn more calories than isolation exercises because you are using more muscles.

The Calf (gastrocnemius, soleus)

The gastrocnemius is the calf muscle that is visible from the outside of the body. It attaches to the heel with the Achilles Tendon and originates behind the knee on the femur, crossing two joints.

The gastrocnemius has two heads: the medial and the lateral. When fully developed, these two heads appear to form a diamond shape.The soleus is not visible when looking at the body from the outside as it lies underneath the gastrocnemius on the rear of the lower leg.

The soleus is most active when doing calf exercises where the knee is bent.

No special equipment is required, just a step or a ledge.The only exercise you'll do is 1 leg calf raises on a step

Begin with the right calf, and do 4 sets of 8's of the one leg calf raise. As soon as you're done with the right leg, switch over to the left leg and repeat.

Then, without any rest go back to the right leg and do 20 repetitions , then 20 on the left.Then, without any rest go back to the right leg and do 15 repetitions , and then 15 on the left. Now you can rest and stretch out the calf muscles.

But the workout is not done. Rest 3-5 minutes and then repeat the sequence. 32, 20, and 15 reps.

Nope not done yet. Repeat the sequence a third time 32, 20, andthen 15 reps.

This is a truly killer workout for the calf muscles. It's a great workout for anyone who plays running or jumping sports, and it's a great workout for anyone who wants to strengthen and build their calf muscles.

If this workout is too difficult to get through, you can modify the repetitions and shoot for 20, 15, 10 or 15, 10, 5. You can also decrease the rounds from 3 rounds to 2 rounds.

The Glutes (Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus and gluteus medius)

Glutes are basic aspects of posture and locomotion, such as standing erect and walking. When load is applied to the hip joint, the glutes, along with the low back, abdominals, quads and hamstrings become the primary power center of the human body.

Unlike muscles like the biceps, the glutes are nearly impossible to

isolate from their adjacent muscle groups. When you train your quads or hamstrings, your glutes are commonly called into the equation. In fact, even without glute specific training, you may not realize that this area is already fairly strong.

Since gluteal development is first and foremost a byproduct of performing exercises for the quadriceps and hamstrings, training legs consistently and correctly should allow you to sculpt great

glutes without ever giving them a second thought.

REMINDER : Remember to warm up before doing these exercises and make sure you stretch after the workouts.

Recommended Climbing Equipment

Divide climbing equipment to two parts.

Day 1 - Timpohon Gate to Laban Rata (approximately ascending at 8am)

-warm, humid and sunny-

* invest on a good pair of high cut hiking shoes to protect your ankles (it doesnt have to be expensive)

* a few pairs of hiking socks (just in case it rains)

* quality knee guard to protect your knee

* light clothing (tshirts, shorts, bermudas or track bottom)

* hiking stick to help you climb

* Caps and shades (sunglasses)

* loads of sunblock lotion and insect repellent

* a light raincoat just in case if it rains

* adequate water, use a light plastic bottle, refills will be provided at stops and you can just throw away the bottle after you descent

* face towels, toilet tissue paper and plastic bags

* energy bar, chocolates and whole meal bread

* pouch bag to put your handphone, camera and wallet

* toiletries put into small containers

Day 2 - Laban Rata to summit ( 2.30am)

its going to be windy and chilly

* wear longjohns, the temperature is about 5 degree at the peak

* cargo pants, hitec pants, warm clothes and windbreaker on the outside

* headlights, its going to be very dark ( no street lights eyy)

* face mask, the potong rumput's mask will be sufficient

* snow caps

* quality gloves to hold on ropes when you climb and wool gloves to keep you warm

* adequate water cosumption

* pouch for personal belongings like camera, handphones etc

* chocolates, energy bar

* raincoat

Ive done my checklist and will be packing my bags tomorrow.

Wish me luck!!!

Mount Kinabalu here i come.....and i will conquer , insyallah....